Wheelies Icebreaker for Kids
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Are you tired of asking the same questions to open your programs? Here is a unique collection of questions that will breathe new life into your openers. Our favorite way to use these cards is to let the participants ask each other the questions as an icebreaker exchange. Hand one card to each participant. Ask them to find a partner and share their response to the question on their card. After the two have each shared their response, have them exchange cards and find a new partner. Encourage 6-7 partner exchanges.
- What is the grossest food you ever tried?
- Would you rather live in a house of cheese or cookie dough for the rest of your life?
- If you could choose one unique super power, what would it be?
- When was the last time you laughed really, really hard. Who were you with?
- What is one thing you are really good at?
- What is the name of your favorite teacher? Why did you like them so much?
These would also be perfect in a classroom setting, for camp cabin talks in the evenings, club meeting openers, or with families around the dinner table each evening. These also work well if you have participants that show up a few minutes late to a program. If participants are already playing the game, then late arrivals can slip in unnoticed and join right in.
60 Cards in the set. Packaged in a plastic container. Instructions included.